Weight Loss Medicine

What is weight loss medicine?

Physician-directed medical weight loss is one of the safest and most efficient strategies to lose weight. Our custom medical weight loss program has helped patients improve their metabolism, lose inches, increase their energy, and make them feel like a whole new person. In fact, our patients lose an average of 25 pounds in six weeks!

How does it work?

Our individualized programs are tailored to your physical needs and body composition. Your individualized plan may include weekly vitamins injections, prescription medications and a nutritional plan to help you lose weight effectively and revitalize your metabolism. We also will have weekly check-ins to receive your body composition analysis, discuss your achievements, and to provide further education and guidance.

What to expect?

During your initial consultation, Dr. Kupeyan will review your medical history, surgical history, family history and social history. This is followed by a discussion of your weight loss goals. Routine blood work and a physical examination will be performed. Taking all of the above factors into consideration, an individualized weight loss program will be created involving weekly visits for counseling and coaching, vitamin supplementations, blood pressure monitoring, body measurements and body composition analysis. Once your goal target weight is reached, Dr. Kupeyan will continue to follow you monthly to ensure you maintain your goal weight.